National Stress Awareness Day 2022

group of seven individuals standing on a paved path in a grassy park with trees and an overcast sky.
Posted 3 years ago

On 3rd November 2021, we recognised National Stress Awareness Day in the Mexa offices.

We spent time focusing on different ways we can reduce stress within the workplace.

To break up the morning we had a Taskmaster style challenge, seeing who could throw the paper ball into the cup first. This really got the heart pumping, endorphins flowing, and added some fun into the office.

At lunchtime, we all went for a walk in the parks/woodlands surrounding our office. Many of us had never taken this route before, and it highlighted the importance of getting away from the desk and what a stress-release nature and the fresh air can do.

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We were all rewarded by a super healthy, vegan lunch provided by Louise Helyer. As well as being healthy, it was also delicious and much needed after the recent office treats we’d all been overindulging on.

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​Our directors, Simon and Bob, then took the time to highlight again the EAP (Employee Assistance Programme) that is provided for free to all Mexa staff. This benefit gives staff access to a 24/7 helpline and online resources to deal with a range of issues including stress, depression, anxiety, and addiction. It also gives access to advice on careers, finances, and other aspects of our lives outside of our work.

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It was a great day to have some fun and implement steps to reduce stress on a day-to-day basis.

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